Hello beauties and welcome back, as weird as this may sound I have really missed you guys. Ass you may or may not know I am just back from an incredible trip to Orlando Florida for my 21st birthday, to say I have been utterly depressed since I got back would be an understatement, coming back to college and the real life is hard, especially coming back completely and utterly penny less, there’s really no one to blame for that except myself (well myself and Cían).
The good news is being penny less can only mean one thing, a nice big haul post. Before I start I would just like to say I am in no way bragging about what I got Cían and I both worked very hard in saving before the holiday for the sole reason of being able to blow it while we were away and that is exactly what we did and I would just like to take this time to say a massive thank you to Cían, my parents and my brother and sister for making my birthday trip absolutely incredible and one that will never be forgotten.
As I have mentioned I bought quite a bit while I was away so this post is going to be split into two separate posts, the non-beauty haul and the beauty haul. This being the non-beauty section of the post, I apologise for the quality of the photos they are not the best as I was in a bit of a rush taking them as I just wanted to be able to start wearing and using my new stuff and I needed to unpack it all and put it away rather than having a suitcase at the end of my bed.
So lets get into it, little warning this post is going to be quite photo heavy.
The first evening we arrived we were all obviously very tired after traveling but we went to the supermarket anyway to stock up the fridge, the family had one trolley and Cían and I had another and you could say I went a little candy CRAZY.
Sweets are honestly my weakness and when it comes to American candy I just cant get enough M&M's, Jolly Ranchers, Sour Patch Kids, Gold Fish and more I had to stock up, this is a very small selection of the candy I stocked up on, honestly my hand luggage was absolutely overflowing with it.
The other bits you can see here are from Disney and Universal, Cían knows I absolutely obsessed with Frozen so picked me up this Olaf rice treat and I don't have the heart to eat it, i'm pretty sure he will be staying in its packaging forever, the other bits are from Universal I picked up a chocolate frog and every flavor beans, the chocolate frog looks so damn tasty but I don't want to eat it and ruin it and with the jelly beans, well lets just say I'm being a complete wimp. Who wants earwax and vomit tasting jelly beans anyway? They look much nicer displayed.
Next we will move onto some clothes, I love shopping in the USA because I find it so much easier to find nice clothes to fit my size and they actually fit well unlike some of the clothes I pick up in the UK and Ireland.
I picked up two pairs of shorts in Lucky Brand Jeans, I picked these up in the outlet malls right beside our hotel on the second day because I stupidly didn't bring any shorts away with me, a pair of the shorts are missing from the photo as they were in the wash.
I also picked up two pairs of jeans from American Eagle, I absolutely LOVE American Eagle jeans, they fit me perfectly, they are so comfortable and they have so many different styles, colours and washes to choose from.
The last pair of bottoms I picked up are a pair of boyfriend sweat pants from PINK, I absolutely love these they are so unbelievably comfortable and perfect for wearing when lazing around the house or traveling and we all know I do A LOT of traveling.
I picked up another couple of pairs of shorts that aren't in the photo purely for the reason that I forgot them when I was coming back to the UK, but they are just two pairs of black shorts, nothing too exciting.
Next we will move on to tops and sweaters.
Next we will move onto some clothes, I love shopping in the USA because I find it so much easier to find nice clothes to fit my size and they actually fit well unlike some of the clothes I pick up in the UK and Ireland.
I picked up two pairs of shorts in Lucky Brand Jeans, I picked these up in the outlet malls right beside our hotel on the second day because I stupidly didn't bring any shorts away with me, a pair of the shorts are missing from the photo as they were in the wash.
I also picked up two pairs of jeans from American Eagle, I absolutely LOVE American Eagle jeans, they fit me perfectly, they are so comfortable and they have so many different styles, colours and washes to choose from.
The last pair of bottoms I picked up are a pair of boyfriend sweat pants from PINK, I absolutely love these they are so unbelievably comfortable and perfect for wearing when lazing around the house or traveling and we all know I do A LOT of traveling.
I picked up another couple of pairs of shorts that aren't in the photo purely for the reason that I forgot them when I was coming back to the UK, but they are just two pairs of black shorts, nothing too exciting.
Next we will move on to tops and sweaters.
First things first, my Thing 1 hoodie, honestly who can go to Universal studios without picking up one of these bad boys. I have been living in it since coming home, its just so warm, cozy and just perfect for lazy evenings watching TV.
The Figment sweater in the front is a bit of a family joke but I saw it and just could leave it in the shop I absolutely love figment he is one of my favourite Disney characters and this sweater is so comfy and cozy, the bonus being it has a picture of figments wings on the back so when I wear it I turn into a dragon and lets face it, who doesn't want to be a flying purple dragon?
Next is two things I picked up from the PINK store, honestly PINK can't really do wrong in my eyes, their clothes are always spot on and so comfy, it also helped that there was a sale on while I was in there and I was being helped by an absolutely LOVELY sales assistant.
I picked up a black and grey leopard print sweater, its massively over sized and so comfy and the other is a long sleeved pink tye die top, I wore this coming home and got so many compliments on it, I LOVE IT.
Next item really isn't too exciting, I picked it up in the American eagle sale it's a black lace sweater, I figured this would be absolutely perfect for work and honestly it was so cheap I couldn't leave it in the shop.
The last sweater I picked up is from Aeropostal, it's a gorgeous white over sized sweater with big black love hearts on it, I haven't had a chance to wear this little beauty yet but I honestly can't wait to style it.
Ok so answer me this, who can go to the USA and shop in American Eagle, Abercrombie or Aeropostal without picking up some camis, not me that's for sure.
I picked up two from Aeropostal, I usually only wear plain camis but I was feeling very adventurous so I picked up these two, I have no idea what i'm going to wear them with but i'm sure I will figure it out.
On our very last day of shopping Cían and I took a trip into Hot Topic, I absolutely love Hot Topic and all the unusual clothes it does, fortunately for me on the day we were there they were having a massive sale so everything was 50% off so I picked up two tank tops, one of which was an awesome find on Cíans part.
I hadn't spotted the Tinkerbell tank top but as soon as Cían pointed it out to me I knew I had to have it, the second one I picked up I found all on my own and I absolutely love it it's perfect for me firstly because it's mint green, MINT GREEN PEOPLE and secondly it says I believe in mermaids, honestly how perfect can a top get?
Next we shall move onto foot wear.
If you read my wish list post you will know that I really wanted to pick up some nikes while I was away but NEVER in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would pick up three pairs.
I got two pairs of Airmax 90's a black pair and a grey pair, the grey pair are looking a little worse for wears as I wore them every day while I was away which makes me sad and the other pair are brand spanking new because I haven't touched them yet and i'm too scared to ruin them.
Finally I bought a pair of Rosche Runs, these I wasn't too sure about actually, I had to have a think about them and go back for them but boy am I glad I did because I have fallen madly in love with them.
Last but by no means least.
Underwear, who doesn't love buying underwear, especially when it's from Victoria Secrets and PINK, obviously I couldn't leave without picking up a few pairs.
I picked up two head bands in Aeropostal, i'm crazy for headbands at the minute i'm not really sure why but these are nice additions to my collection.
Cían was in a candy shop buying sweets for his litter brothers when I spotted these nerds socks and I just couldn't leave them in the shop, they're just too cute.
Finally the last thing hair ties, how exciting picked these up in Urban Outfitters purely because I thought they were really cute and pretty.
Well lovelies that's it for the first part of my haul post, hope you have enjoyed it and stay tuned to catch the second part of the haul.

Soso jealous that you have been to America!
ReplyDeleteYou've bought so many nice things, love the post and cant wait to see your beaut haul!
Charlotte // www.charlottesamantha.co.uk
I really wish I could go back it was easily the best trip i've been on, all my family and boyfriend with me, it really was perfect. :) Hope you enjoyed my beauty haul. :)
DeleteI'm so jealous of all the american candy you got! I hope you had an amazing time, it sounds like you did x
American candy is my weakness it's worse than makeup, i'm still working through the stuff I brought home. :) Xxx
Deletewoah you really did treat yourself, and to some great things....so I don't blame you at all!?
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a great time there...I'd love to know more about your holiday hehe
-sarah xo
It was my birthday trip so I really felt it was ok to treat myself to some nice new bits. :)
DeleteI am dying for a Jolly Rancher now! I remember you could buy them here when I was about 5 or 6. I used to love them!
ReplyDeleteJolly Rancers are the best things, you can still buy them in certain shops in the UK and Ireland but they ask you to pay like €5 for them which is just ridiculous. :P Xxx
DeleteGreat buys :) x
ReplyDeleteHeather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x
Thank you sweetie. :) Xxx